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October 31st

The new website is launched in New Zealand. The difference in time zones makes it appear to the rest of the world that the website is from tomorrow.

6 Responses to “October 31st”

  1. Sylwia

    This website is from the future. So there IS some si-fi in the Conchords!

    P. S. Thank you for the official statement:D.

  2. LauraK

    Thank you for sending your awesome website into the past for us…it’s still shiny and has that new-site-smell.

    Enjoyed exploring it…please don’t suddenly stop updating for years, ok?

    Thanks for everything!

  3. mockingbird

    Unless Halloween is the new Groundhog Day, this website actually appears to be from several days ago. 😉 It’s still lovely though, thanks guys!

  4. Nik

    “… makes it appear to the rest of the world that the website is from tomorrow.”

    Reading that was like finding out Santa Claus doesn’t exist!

  5. Nena

    I’ve just spent tomorrow as well as a couple days past that looking around the new site and have this sense that I’m going to feel very happy about it. It’s smartly prescient and stupid cool.

    Thank you!!

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